Friday, July 30, 2004

OMG more already? Treats.

Don't believe me? Walking home past Lacklustre Video, I can't miss the large cop with an angry look bearing down on me. I look 'round to scope what's irkin' him, and sure enough, some scarily-painted *erm* lady is grinding a fellow Y tenant between herself and a lamppost. She's grinning at the approaching cop with a toadally readable "I love taunting you boys" look on her face.

Mista Malt says:
Respect the hobo ladies.
Respect the shape o' my head.
Or it is ON.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As ever when walking backwards across ploughed fields I find it pays to invest in more Ram than you would normally think you need.Possibly Coriolis effect I imagine

July 31, 2004  
Blogger martyjohns said...

When I invest in ram, I borrow someone else's sheep crayon to throw the animal protection folks off the scent.

Oh, and it occurs to me that once it's more than 3 days old, it's called "cake-up".

July 31, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone else thinking 'onion soup'?

July 31, 2004  

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