Saturday, July 31, 2004

Seventy-foot giggles.

Giant Japanese Schoolgirl says:
I squash my Tamagotchi!!! <cries>

Can you smell how the sock is cookin'?

"Screw it, Frank. I rode in the back with the last one. I amember you sayin, 'wicked ripe'. Member that? I'm drivin'."

Prowl says:
I'll Rodney your asses, Autobot-style.
Tell 'em about RESPECT, Malt.

Mista Malt says:
Watch that *&#%, mon. My mama's Portuguese.

Cheap plastic crap.

Prowl says:
It doesn't bend THAT WAY!

Friday, July 30, 2004

OMG more already? Treats.

Don't believe me? Walking home past Lacklustre Video, I can't miss the large cop with an angry look bearing down on me. I look 'round to scope what's irkin' him, and sure enough, some scarily-painted *erm* lady is grinding a fellow Y tenant between herself and a lamppost. She's grinning at the approaching cop with a toadally readable "I love taunting you boys" look on her face.

Mista Malt says:
Respect the hobo ladies.
Respect the shape o' my head.
Or it is ON.

Hold yer nose and keep walkin'.

Stepping out? Stumbling over to Libby's to fetch a forty? Stomping down to Economy to return the drill bit you found for one-third the price elsewhere? Want to get the job done stench and splatter free? Better ch-ch-check the bum situation, then:

Helpful, eh? Well you can thank hobologist Al for the heads up.

der Klokkenverk Nazi says:
I vill even axcept zee pennies!!!