Saturday, August 07, 2004

Ji Go

As I were moving crates of rock out of Shen's apartment, I noticed the names on her mailbox. Apparently, one of her roommates has a two-letter first name, and a two-letter last name. Qi Xu. How frikkin' simple is that? Anyway, I'm cropping my names down, too.

Civ 2 Phalanx says:
Civil disorder in the computer room!!!
Citizens DEMAND coke with ice!

Civ 2 Phalanx says:
That is a German tank.
I am a Greek with a stick.
You suck and I quit.

Sooz says:
U-Haul is teh suX0r!!111
p.s. sammich plz


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up, Abe Lincoln, for our words are backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!

You have insulted us for the last time. Prepare for WAR!!!

Montezuma is GREEN!!!

Great Wall wonder made obsolete by discovery of gunpowder.

August 09, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ro Ro says, "That's fuckin' great, Anonymous."

August 09, 2004  
Blogger Lees :) said...

Make sure Sooz gets an open faced peanut butter sammich please. It's the only thing that will stick to her ribs.

August 09, 2004  

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