Wednesday, August 04, 2004

West Nile Warning

Ramses says:
West Nile REPRIZZENT, biatch!

Hatshepsut says:
If joo looking for a piece of the East, then joo looking in the right direction, esse.

Ramses says:
Si, but maybe joo come back when joo gots jour own virus, ho.

Hatshepsut says:
Wah-evah, sha nay nay.
Maybe one day joo come home and jour pyramid is just a big pile of rock, hey? Hey? Joo be careful, esse. Joo watch jour step.

Ramses says:
Haha chica. Joo will get what is coming. But first I kill this Moses pendejo that keep on #$%^ing with my crew.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rameses'll make ya JUMP JUMP
Osiris make ya JUMP JUMP
Rameses'll make ya JUMP JUMP

August 05, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blahblahblahblah ur a qweer

March 24, 2005  

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