Friday, September 03, 2004

Dad, dad, I finally made the cover!

Triple Jack says:
Dude man, did you check out
this issue of Hot Deity?

Triple Jack says:
Dude man, check out the cover!
Dude man, check out Jesus!

Triple Jack says:
He's f***in' ripppped!

Triple Jack says:
That's awesome.
Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome!

Triple Jack says:

Triple Jack says:
I swear to God I never knew Jesus
was so f***ing hard.

Triple Jack says:
I'd like to see the Romans eff with him now:
"Hey, Centurion! Get over here so I can
jam this crown o thorns up yer ass!!"

Triple Jack says:
That's so awesome.

Triple Jack says:
Jesus is so f***in' hard, man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

U can tell he had surgery cuz he aint got no more stigmata.

And that halo is totally an implant.

September 04, 2004  
Blogger martyjohns said...

I toadally forgot about the stigmata.

I tend to let the tappings of suffering (nails, cross, touching lepers) slide and imagine a carefree Jesus that hangs out at the Garment District.

Plus, rumor has it the dude had/has/will have some small healing powers, and a fairly well-off dad. So maybe his wounds were mysteriously attended.

As for his mom, she's a complete muggle. Spanish folks still give her mad props, though, so no complaints.

September 04, 2004  
Blogger martyjohns said...

Corvette Jesus... pretty sure I weren't, though for some reason it doesn't strike me as toadally unfamiliar.

Sounds like he's well off, at least.

S'got a much nicer ring to it than Saab Jesus.

September 04, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jesus Saabed"

September 06, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus would touch that swedish crap.

Isn't it obvious he drove a Christ-ler?

September 06, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus wouldnt touch that swedish crap.

Isn't it obvious he drove a Christ-ler?

September 06, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus drives a low-ridin Plymouth, esse!!!

Oh...joo meen JEEEZUSSSS!!!

I thawchoo ment HEYZOOS, HOMES!

September 06, 2004  
Blogger martyjohns said...

I think he drives a second-hand ambulance; it says "High Five Healin'" on the side.

I cleaned his windshield and my herp is gone.

Pretty ace deal, I'd say.

September 06, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey watch the "Swedish Crap" bub.Everyone knows he was originally from Stockholm,and only moved to the Med. cos of the nicer climate.Where you think the reindeer came from

September 09, 2004  

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