Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Nook's is closed. Crap.


Hey, do you get
lots of letters?

It now occurs to me that almost all the life in these characters come from their incessant movement and curious voices.

Cesar says:
Hey, why are you even
talking to me, aye matey?

Cesar says:
Hey, so it's you again, huh?
It's the middle of the night,
you know, aye matey.

Mitzi says:
I can't believe I fell asleep
standing up! What's wrong
with me?

Giant Japanese Schoolgirl says:

Crudo says:
Soooooo cute!


Blogger from boston, massachusetts said...

Ah Cesar! You too cute and tough, and Mitzi, I promise to give you back your gameboy soon. Wish you guys would weed!

August 24, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey... I was thinking that my old saying "Nook y*u, y*u moth*rnooking nookf*ced nook-nook*r" was not cool anymore... can you give me a new saying???

Write me a letter or I'll chop down your nookin' money-tree, bitch.

August 24, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turn in your manhood.

August 24, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are alive and well at my house... just try and get the controller away from my daughter.

August 25, 2004  

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