Friday, August 20, 2004

Magnificent Bastard

"Mom. Mom. Mom. MOM!!!
Can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease get a
Heroes of the North Africa Campaign lunchbox????? "

"No, there ain't no stickers on it, I checked!
It's not hardly even offensive much at all!"

Guess how long this took me.
Now multiply that guess by 40.
I'm never drawing a German armoured vehicle again.

Nick, you'd better #$%^in' buy one of these.

Civ 2 Phalanx says:
I'd thought we'd talked about this.

Klokkenverk Nazi says:
Zat makes me tikktokken inzide.
It really does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

shovels on the wrong side

August 22, 2004  
Blogger martyjohns said...


That's where the shovel goes, I know. It's even got a lil Montgomery-shaped dent in it.

Don't wear clean white shirts, cause they just make yer pants look dirtier.

August 22, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude don't look a thing like Curt Jurgens.

"You magnificent bastard, I READ YOUR BOOK!"

August 23, 2004  

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